viralfish Blog Posts

Friday, December 6, 2013

Wizzard at the beach

I know it might seem silly for me to be this attached to my pet rabbit Wizzard, but he had so much personality! It was amazing, I never knew that rabbits could show as much love as this guy did to me! He helped me through some rough times in my life when I really didn't have anyone.
WIzzard loved the beach, he was so good too! He would never run away from me or hide or anything! He would just stretch out in the sand and watch me surf ^_^
It grieves me to inform you that Wizzard is no longer with me. I found out that he was viciously torn to pieces by a heartless savage raccoon =8(
 I found out through a phone call to my work, the day before I was to return home from living on Catalina Island for three months. I was counting down the days until I could finally see him again and on the last day I received the news.. The time I had with this little guy was priceless though and I am very thankful I had the chance to adopt him! I guess the saying is true, "It's better to have loved and lost, than to never have loved at all." We had some pretty epic beach adventures together and I will always cherish the time I had with Wizzard.
R.I.P Wizzard, you were the best pet I've ever loved!

+Troy MacDonald 

#cuteanimals #cute #rabbit #beach #bunny#animals #animal #beaches #funny